Your Journey

Make the first step in your journey easy. Our helpful enquiry information has everything you need to know when deciding to study with CQU.

Application Information
Getting ready to apply to study with CQU? Find important dates and other information you’ll need to consider in the application process.

Find out what happens after your application is submitted, including the assessment, timing, how an offer is made, how to accept your offer and more.

If you’ve accepted your offer to study, your next step is to enrol. Discover the key steps and other helpful information at enrolment.

Prepare for success at university by attending orientation events. You’ll access all the information you need and meet some key contacts.

Before Your Journey Begins
Feel right at home with a supportive online study experience from one of Australia’s leading online providers.
Study Levels Explained
Learn more about the different levels of study we offer and find the best option to fit your career goals, experience and lifestyle.
Study Online
Discover more about the flexibility, experience and support offered in our classic online study mode.