
CQUniversity is pleased to support its community by providing sponsorship on projects that will achieve mutually beneficial outcomes for the community and the University.

CQUniversity supports events and projects that;

  • Are aligned to the university's mission and goals
  • Support regional economic development
  • Enhance the reputation of the university
  • Offer mutual benefit for the university and the community
  • Make our region more liveable
  • Allow us to develop partnerships.

These guidelines are intended to assist applicants when applying for CQUniversity sponsorship.

Sponsorship categories

CQUniversity classifies sponsorship into two categories:

  1. Corporate
  2. Community Engagement

Sponsorship for all categories should possess the following common core criteria: 

  • Consistency with CQUniversity’s brand attributes, strategic direction and core values
  • Mutually beneficial outcomes
  • Enhance CQUniversity’s reputation
  • Provides promotional opportunities for CQUniversity (internally and/or externally)
  • Strengthens and supports brand awareness
  • Contributes towards enhancing the student experience.

Corporate sponsorship is defined as an opportunity to provide financial or in-kind support to an organisation or project that will enhance the university’s corporate reputation. Approved corporate sponsorships will meet core, and the following additional criteria: 

  • Provides a benefit to the University as a whole 
  • Is relevant to Regional, State, National or International audiences 
  • Enhances CQUniversity’s profile and corporate citizenship credentials 
  • Provides business opportunities such as; supply of services, acquisition of new students. 

Community engagement sponsorship is defined as opportunities for CQUniversity to be involved in or assist community organisations with initiatives. Approved community engagement sponsorship will meet core, and the following additional criteria: 

  • Provides a direct benefit to CQUniversity communities
  • Creates opportunities for the University to build relationships with community organisations and leaders
  • Preferably provide opportunities for staff and/or student participation
  • Demonstrate CQUniversity’s commitment to good corporate citizenship
  • Provides business opportunities such as; supply of services and acquisition of new students
  • Proposals that do not reflect CQUniversity’s core values, strategic direction and brand attributes
  • Sponsorships that may be construed as racially prejudice or otherwise discriminatory
  • Sponsorships that may present a reputation risk
  • Any sponsorship which may be considered to be a conflict of interest for the University.

All sponsorship applications, regardless of the extent or type of funding or potential funding source, must be submitted to the University for consideration via a Sponsorship application form and checklist to [email protected]. Applications must not exceed the provided two-page document. 

Sponsorships may be considered at any time during the year however a minimum of four weeks from the date of the sponsorship request to the date of response is required. 

Sponsorships will be limited to the available funds and the University reserves the right to reject applications based on short and long-term budgetary planning. The value of approved sponsorships will factor in costs to be absorbed by the sponsor (CQUniversity) for items such as signage and promotional material. 

Where the sponsorship program is ongoing/annual event, a continuation of sponsorship will not be guaranteed and will require the applicant to re-submit an application.